Helping parents & caregivers to increase their ability to support their child and find understanding, stability, & connection.
Helping professionals increase their understanding and capacity to provide meaningful supports to individuals living with FASD.
Helping connect families and professionals to create wider access to support for FASD.
Promoting awareness, education, understanding and social support systems for individuals, families, educators, professionals, and anyone involved with individuals living with FASDs.
Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorders (FASD) is an umbrella term that includes a range of disabilities associated with fetal alcohol exposure.
FASD can include physical, mental, behavioral and/or learning disabilities with lifelong implications.
FASD United is proud to present this document as a tool and resource for anyone interested in expanding their awareness of stigmatizing language and understanding of stigma-free messaging related to FASD, Substance Use, and Individuals with Living Experience. For more, go to
This site is intended to provide information on Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder. The content found on the website is not intended to recommend, replace, or serve as a substitution for professional medical, psychological, legal, or educational advice, recommendations, diagnosis, treatment, medication, therapies, or counsel. References and resources to specific organizations do not constitute endorsement by this site.
As a reminder, medical or mental health concerns should be discussed with a licensed professional. If you or someone with you is in immediate danger, please contact 911.